Karen has worked in the Fitness Industry for over 35 years and is passionate about helping people to have a better quality of life by education and motivation. EVERY BODY can be a better version of themselves! The most important lesson to learn is that getting your body into peak condition can be fun:  exercise is not a chore – it is a necessity.

You can be assured that you are in the care of an educated, caring and qualified Professional who gets results. Commit 100% to her training programmes and you will change your body AND your life.

Clientele range in age from 16 years to 70+ years with conditions including Obesity, Diabetes II, Depression, Injuries (workplace/chronic), Stress Related, Muscular Weakness, Post Operative, Pregnancies and numerous ailments that result from a poor lifestyle. Karen is trained to help you turn your life around and to become a stronger, happier person.